Joey Wong – TWI Group Work From Home Mom
Joey Wong is a housewife and also a work from home mom who earns a residual income by referring friends to switch their household products to eco friendly household products.
I hereby invite Joey to share with us her experience with TWI group and also some of her work from home experience.
Question: Hi Joey, please share with us your own experience with the eco friendly products and how you get to know TWI Group.
Answer: Hi Moon, basically I love eco-friendly products. I used to get nausea when using the x-brand products with the toxic chemicals whenever I clean up my house. These chemicals when inhaled are really bad for lungs. They will also caused skin irritations. Ever since I started using the eco friendly products, I have no worries whenever I do cleaning.
Another daily use of eco-friendly household product I used is toothpaste few years ago. It does not contain mouth cancer-causing agents. A friend of mine introduced me to these eco-friendly household products a few years ago. I start off as a consumer initially. As the products were eco-friendly and priced reasonably, I decided to share them with my friends. That’s how I started this referral business.
Question: How you think of the eco friendly household products? What are the reasons you recommend us to use eco friendly products?
Answer: Eco friendly products contain natural ingredients and no harmful chemicals. Yet, they can still get job done easily. Why should we use toxic household products when we know that it is health hazard? If you love your family, you should consider changing your household products to eco friendly products. You are also helping the environment.
Question: Can you share with us your experience with TWI Group –internet work from home opportunity?
Answer: As a housewife, I can still work from home through the Internet. I got to know many new friends and began to share with them the eco-friendly products. Through this sharing, I was able to earn a residual income. A residual income means that as long as your friend continues using the eco-friendly product, you earn a referral fee every month. The more referrals you have, the more earnings you have. I would like to encourage all mothers to attend the TWI seminar to find out how this referral business works. There are seminars on weekday evenings and Saturday afternoons.
Question: What is your advice to moms who want to work from home and spend more time with family and kids?
Answer: Working from home is very flexible. You decide on your working hours. For example, when the kids are all in school, you can use free time to contact friends and potential referrals. As most homes now have Internet access, this is a golden business opportunity sitting waiting to be tapped. To begin harnessing this money-making potential, simply switch to eco-friendly products, refer friends to these home-safe products, and enjoy a consistent residual income.
Thank Joey for her sharing.
Filed under Mompreneurs Story