New Year Dish-Hou Si Fatt Choy
Recipe shared by Cookingmomster
Ingredients :
Fish paste from one large Tenggiri Fish
30 pieces dried oysters ( soaked in water preferably overnight and save the water for sauce )
30gm black moss / fatt choy ( soaked in water and drained )
Some chopped onion and garlic
Few slices of ginger
Sauce :
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp dark soya sauce
Sugar and salt to taste
1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with some water
1 tbsp Hsiao Hsing Wine
Method :
1. Chopped a few pieces of dried oyster till fine and mixed into the fish paste. Add in some salt and mixed well.
2. Shape the fish paste into oval shape and steam over high heat till cooked. Put aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan and sautee the onion, garlic and ginger till fragrant.
4. Add in the dried oysters and the cooked fish paste. Stir for few minutes.
5. Then pour in the remaining water used to soak the dried oyster. Let it simmer for few minutes.
6. Then add in all the sauce ingredients and season with salt and some sugar.
7. Pour in the cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Dish up and serve.
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