Healthy and Beauty Tips for Work from Home Moms
Most working moms can tell you that their work seems to never be done and especially moms who stay and work at home. Full time working moms need to go office early in the morning and when back home normally evening time, leave limited time for family, household and kids. Not to say have private “me” time. Working from home moms face the same scenario too where we need to wake up early in the morning, preparing breakfast for husband and kids while ourselves running out to the grocery with no make up on and sometimes looking stressed. Both FTWM and WAHM are busy moms and many times our health and beauty will get neglected.
I notice that health and beauty are important for moms and we should not neglect these two things in our life. Our life not only the family and work, but also we need to take good care for ourselves. If you feel that you are a busy moms and tend to neglect your health and beauty, this is your time to take a rest while read the following health and beauty tips to help you running properly.
Eat Healthy
Moms must eat healthy so that to stay strong. Women who work from home are naturally strong, having kids simply makes us stronger in terms of strength and endurance. However, we should not skip our meal no matter how busy we are. I truly understand the busy moment and sometimes it is not the busy moment but the “cannot stop” moment. We just cannot stop working on something we are half way doing or we need to rush something out due to the tight schedules.
Busy moms tend to ignore the nutritious meals and it is very normal when the kids are not at home. When my daughter is not at home, I would simply settle my meal and then back to my desk continuing my work. The “healthy meal” is not inside my dictionary in this situation. This is actually not good because it would cause a slow decline in our health. So, I decided to eat on time and eat healthy for my own healthy.
Quick Beauty
Do small things can make us look fresh and beauty. Beauty doesn’t mean that we need to put make up on even if we are working at home. However, it is important to dab on some lipstick with sunscreen protection when we need to go out to meet clients or friends. By adding some color to your lips, it gives the impression that you have taken the time to put make up on, even if it is the only thing you wear on your face. Work from home moms should not forget to take care of the hairdo. If you don’t have much time to take care of your hair, maybe you should find a hair style that doesn’t take you too much time to take care of everyday. These are some small things that can enhance your beauty.
Spa Treatment
Go for a spa treatment is a good way to keep your health and beauty especially when you feel stress with your work. It is a good idea to unwind your stress too. You will find yourself relax when having the spa and if it comes along with massage session, you may feel the freshness and have more concentration on your work later. Go for a spa treatment would normally takes you 2 hours and treats this 2 hours as your “me” time. I experience myself and it helps to increase the productivity and efficiency in my work.
Changing a few habits and starting a couple of new rituals will help busy work from home moms retain our good health and beauty. Therefore don’t wait till you “have time”, you will never have time if you don’t find time to pamper yourself and live healthy and beauty.
Health Tip – Sun rays help make vitamin D in your body. Walk or sit in the morning sun for a while every day.
Filed under Beauty and Health, Work At Home Mom
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Comments on Healthy and Beauty Tips for Work from Home Moms
Thanks for those excellent healthy and beauty tips for all busy work at home moms. It’s important that we must give ourselves a time to relax and enjoy after all the work we did.
Hi Patrice,
Great to see you here again! Thanks for drop by!
I believe by taking a breath after busy time will let us have more concentration and even more ideas in our business. More important is taking good care of ourselves in term of health and beauty.
Hey Kelly, it’s not good to skip meal.. No matter how lazy I am to prepare meal, I won’t skip meal because I cannot concentrate on anything when hungry.. Haaa..
For moms to take good care of ourselves and get proper rest is very important. Sometimes I find myself working on something late into the night, and I don’t want to stop and go to bed. Just one night of this seems to drain all my energy. Us moms need all the energy we can get. Great post, Moon!
Hey Vickie, I have same experience too. Sometimes I also work till very late and the thing is I didn’t find myself working, maybe I enjoy what I do and didn’t realize the time.
You are right, I feel the same, one night of this drain my energy too.. Haa..
Just drop by your blog and visit Jacob..