Interview Elaine Lau – Founder of TodaysMotherhood
Elaine Lau is the founder of, the first Online Parenting Magazine in Singapore. Being a stay at home mom, she manages to work from her own comfort of home and at the same time take care of 2 lovely kids – Ashton and Ashlyn.
I know Elaine since she started launching her first issue (previously known as and I’m enjoy reading her online magazine all the while. It’s very informative, user friendly and eco friendly. She interviewed me at her website – and now I invited her to share more of her Internet Business with us.
Question: Hi Elaine, can you share with us why you have the idea of Online Parenting Magazine?
Answer: I blog initially at The New Age Parents, which is my personal blog, to share my own thoughts and parenting experiences which I faced such as terrible twos while bringing up my own toddlers. I have been surfing the website for information, advices and tips. I thought: “Since I am hungry for information, many other parents are as well so I might as well share my information”. Furthermore, with many young parents who are always surfing the web for more information, I feel that it is a very good platform to reach out to them and form a community of parents, which is the aim of Today’s Motherhood – which now has a parenting magazine and also a comprehensive parenting portal.
Question: I believe your magazine is under the category of Internet Business. Please share with us how you think about Internet Business.
Answer: Many people misunderstood internet business as an easy get rich scheme and there are people who think that it is a scam, I will like to clarify that it is a viable business if you put in your time and effort but definitely not an easy path. You need constant learning and upgrading to enhance your skills, which will come into play for your internet business. You need a lot of determination and patience to see your business improved in line with your learning curve.
Question: Since you are in Internet Business, do you think internet marketing is important? And how it helps your business?
Answer: For Today’s Motherhood, we use an integration of online and offline methods of bringing awareness to our business. However, as an online business, internet marketing is definitely very important. Imagine the global reach on the internet, and with so many people online currently, how can you afford to miss out the pie. Using the knowledge of internet marketing to aid my business, it has created a very good branding and awareness to Today’s Motherhood. With our current readers of more than 11,000 parents, I don’t think it is achievable if we are only doing offline marketing.
Question: Any encouragement or advices to moms who want to work from home?
Answer: Remember your initial intention when you decide to start out your own venture and don’t lose it. Stay focus and determine despite setbacks. Things will work your way. I would like to wish all mompreneur all the best to their venture!
Thanks Elaine for her sharing and below is her review of WAHM Home Business Kit.
“Hi Moon!
I am glad I have the chance to look into the WAHM HomeBizKit. You present a very practical view as to how work at home mothers should manage their home business. It definitely serve as a good affirmation to mothers who is hesitating to start a business and yet do not have the courage to do so. I agree with you that having the positive and the correct mindset is the start to any business and learning. WAHM HomeBizKit provides a realistic view and also touch on some simple technical aspects of the internet business. If you are planning to start an internet business but face the problem of information overloading in other product, WAHM HomeBizKit will be one of the tool to start with.
Filed under Mompreneurs Story
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Comments on Interview Elaine Lau – Founder of TodaysMotherhood
Hi Moon & Elaine, Congratulations on your success of WAHM Business. I will take your advice and I hope to follow your path soon.
hi elaine, it great to hear your success story and how internet marketing had helped you achieve so much more.. keep up the good work!!!