My Mom Is At Home
I still remember clearly my old school days, my dearest mom waited for me at home after school, prepared me the meals and I was excited to tell her the events of the day. My mom always participates in my life and I love sharing stories with her.
Now I become a mom and I have better feeling and understanding about the role of a mom. Nowadays lots of mom choose to be a full-time-working mom (FTWM) and parents decision always affect the children most. When the kids come home from school, excited to share the interesting stories of the day and the person waiting for them is the maid or the babysitter. It’s worse when they grow older, there’s no one waiting at all. Children may have their funny stories about their friends to share with moms but their mother is not there to listen.
I appreciate I could share with my mother the happiness and joy at the very first moment when I back home. But how about my daughter? Is she able to share with me her wonderful time the first moment if I’m a full-time-working mom (FTWM). My child’s development years have been spent mostly with others but not me.
From my readings and findings, I understand that a child needs a secure, consistent, solid foundation to build their life upon and it’s the mother’s role to provide that for them. The 30 minutes of attention to the kids after they get home from school is especially crucial to the children’s emotional development and self esteem. For work-at-home moms (WAHM), do remember to take at least 30 minutes break and give that time to your child, listen to their story and talk to them.
Our participation in their life will make a big difference in how they will apply themselves. They may stop trying new things if we don’t show interest in their life and they may feel that it must be not important at all. Moms are encouraged to participate in child’s extra curricular activities too because they show more interests when mom is in stands to cheer them. You will find that your kids share more with you when the way to and from the activities. If we are working from home, we are lucky to have the chance to bring the kids for activities by ourselves and be the mom we’ve always dreamed of.
As a work at home Mompreneur, we have the chance to give tender care when our child get sick. We also available in the time of crisis or any sudden incidents. They will feel secure with the mom beside or they will feel bad if the mom is working and not be able to attend to them immediately. I would tell you that most moms feel extra guilty when they are not able to give their children that attention. There is no solution unless you work at home and make your schedule flexible to fit your child’s needs.
Work from home doesn’t make your life harder but it’s an education lesson for your children too. Explain to your children the purpose of mom working at home and let them understand your work schedule. Show them you are giving 100% effort to your job and act in a professional manner towards your clients and partners. If you take it seriously, your kids will do that too. You are their role model and they will develop the same mindset when they grow.
I truly hope that my daughter will have a happy and “mom is there” childhood.
Filed under My Sharing
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your meaningful enlightenment are make me turns my intention to fully take care of my kid.