Why Want to Be Mompreneur and Work At Home
It is a growing trend for Mompreneurs and the idea of being at home is a dream come true. Nowadays, many full-time-working moms (FTWH) and stay-at-home moms (SAHM) start the home-based businesses and according to research, more than 60% of home-based businesses are owned by women.
When you have decided to be a work at home moms and be a Mompreneur, what comes to your mind first? Is the term “successful” that would bring you lots of money, mansion-like homes or luxury cars? For many moms who choose to work from home, we have just a simple reason, that’s wish to have more time raising young children and also contribute to the family finances.
I always believe that to be a successful Mompreneur is not difficult at all as long as you have a checklist and plan your business. Below are the checklist for your consideration.
1. Business Plan – We need to develop a business plan and it’s always important to establish our goals. The first question to ask ourselves is why want to be a work at home mom. List down the answers will help to keep us motivated. Secondly, the business model is important before we start up any business. What is the type of business we want to get started and we need to plan and prepare for the sales goals. The source of products and funds should also be taken into consideration.
2. Education – In my mindset, education is important and it’s a powerful tool for our business venture. I always remember how parents tell their kids to study hard so that to have bright future. The same apply here, if you know education is important for your children, you should know that education is important for yourself too. Depending on the nature of your business and get some relevant skills so that you can implement it into your business.
3. Reading – Allocate some times on reading to enrich your knowledge and help you to get new ideas. There are many books or excellent resource from library, bookstore or internet. Read on how moms manage their home business, other Mompreneur’s stories and all these will spark some new business ideas for you.
4. Work duties – As work at home moms, we need to handle all the works by ourselves. It’s good to list down all the work duties for your business and identify which are your strengths and which are the areas that you are not good in. For example, I’m good in internet marketing and accounting but might not good in website design, so I would get a software to help me or I will consider to get a designer to help me when the business expand. This method actually helps to get the work done in more efficient and effective way.
5. Home office – As a Mompreneur, we really need a home office space to keep us separate the “work time” from the “family time”. Choose a suitable space around your house that you will be comfortable working in. If you are in Online Business, you may need just a small space to set up your office because you only need a computer and a desk. If you are selling physical products, you may need more space for the storage and packaging. Take into consideration of your kids too if you need to keep an eye on them while you are working.
6. Social Networking – Don’t isolate yourself if you are a work at home mom. We need support group that allows us to discuss various ideas, share experiences and talk about our business. Other than focus on the business itself, it’s important for Mompreneur to join social network and meet other work from home moms. Social Networking not only allow us to meet like-minded business entrepreneurs but also lots of opportunities for our business to expand.
7. Branding – Market yourself by branding is important step for your business. Your image is the first impression for a potential client has about you and your credibility. You may need to brand yourself as the authority in your niche market by have a website for your business or for yourself. Try to think about Nokia, Levi’s, Timberland or OshKosh, they are all about branding. Branding is especially important if you are in Online Business.
8. Don’t forget your vision – Mompreneurs do remember their vision of work from home and it’s time to start making money. Break through whatever artificial barriers we have created in our mind and just go do it. We will soon on our way to a successful work from home Mompreneur.
Work hard, work smart and work to the level of money you desire! Sometimes it’s not all about money but also the sense of personal achievement.
Filed under Getting Started
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Comments on Why Want to Be Mompreneur and Work At Home
Not bad.. very good info you have there. I guess it is a good starting point for mums who wish to work at home.
A good start will leads to better success rate.